Presentation Deck Samples
Michael Taylor Portfolio Sample Deck
Sample #1: Click on the image above and you'll be transported to a new window with a live presentation deck I created in 2024. This deck was created to share some examples of my work. You'll have to navigate back to this page 
Sample #2: This movie is a visualization of the deck created
for presentation at the CES Show in Las Vegas.
DENSO PowerEdge Products
Sample #3: This animated gif displays a master deck which was developed during the rebrand of DENSO PowerEdge Products which was populated and utilized in sales activities as well as at various trade shows.
DENSO NHRA Internal Presentation - Single Slide
Sample #4: This single slide was utilized by the Director of Marketing
during meetings with Executive staff.
DENSO Alliance Television Spot - Rough Animatic
Sample #5: This is an image of an actual Keynote presentation deck. The content is a rough concept was eventually refined and became a television spot displayed in Las Vegas
during the AAPEX trade show.
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